Haiti students going back to school

Back to School

Yesterday was the first day of the 2019-20 school year! We are expecting another big year full of personal growth and learning for all of the students and teachers, specifically at the JAK Christian Academy and each of our 7 partner schools. As our sponsorship program continues to grow each year, more students have the opportunity to go to school. It is our prayer that we are able to assist as many of the Haitian youth as possible by helping them get an education. We are constantly striving to build up leaders for the cause of Christ, and we believe that receiving a quality education is a major step in the right direction. As a reminder, please don't forget to re-sponsor your student(s) for the school year if you have not already done so.

We ask that you keep our schools in your prayers throughout this school year. Please pray for safety, focused minds, and an eagerness to learn for our students as well as guidance, patience, and wisdom for the teachers and school staffs. We are excited to see how God will be at work throughout the year! 

New Homes

This first house has been in the works for quite some time. The current home was always a concern when our team visited due to its poor condition and the amount of people (6) living in the one room tin house. A family in Sioux Falls contacted us wanting to do something for a family in need. We eagerly chose this family. In the photos, you can see that they have already planted some banana trees along the house. In the bottom corner you can see the current house with the new house being built next to it! 

The second house was built for Mykember’s family by his sponsor. Mykember, his mother, and his pregnant aunt were sleeping in a one room, dirt floor hut.

The family is loving their new home and it is becoming a frequent hang out spot for many neighbor kiddos as well. In one of the photos (top left), you will see Mykember's mom holding a 6 day- old baby, that is Mykember's new baby brother!

Distribution Week

Last month, we had our annual school supply distribution week. We had an incredible week seeing so many of the students in our sponsorship program and were blessed to be able to provide them with supplies they need for the school year. Additionally, we had an incredible team join us in Ti Rivière to support our efforts throughout the week. The team selflessly served our students in a variety of ways and were a huge help in making distribution week a success! 

This year we added a new feature to distribution week. We provided the students with a copy of the same picture that is sent to their sponsor. For most, this is the only picture they have of themselves, and they were amazed and excited to receive it. We would like to give a big thank you to everyone who contributed in any way make this week possible!