One of the cool parts of ministry we have been able to partake in is building homes for families in need. Not only does a deserving family receive one of the most amazing gifts imaginable, but the process of building a home creates so many jobs for locals in need of work. There is one home that really stands out to me from this past year- a family that was living in literal mud with a sheet of rusted out tin and torn tarp for head covering. This was a single mom with 4 kids doing the best she could. Looking at the before pictures from this family brings tears to my eyes- 1. because I don't believe that anyone should have to live in these conditions and yet I know there are so very many people in the world that face this or something more severe as a reality and 2. because wow. The Lord is so very very good to us. What a blessing it is to be able to be a part of His ministry and impacting real lives every day. Thank you Wireless World for helping change this families life!