Dear Mission-Haiti Family,

As we close out the month of December, and a year like no other, we wanted to take a moment to say thank you~ for your passion for what we do, for your endless thoughts and prayers, and for loving us in ways we cannot even count. Mission-Haiti is a ministry run on Christ, passion, and dedication, and you have helped us remember our "why". You have helped us to notice the subtle ways, big and small, that God shows us why He’s called us to continually serve and love on this community. Our lives are made better by each of you, and our mission is stretched so much farther than it could ever be without you. This year especially, we have seen some miraculous ways in which our family on both sides of the sea have come together. Here are 20 great things from 2020:

1. We were able to get all of the teacher positions filled for the JAK school.

2. With your help, we were able to SUSTAIN the lives of 14,345 people with meals provided at the beginning of Covid.

3. We were able to host a fantastic school distribution event in September.

4. The virtual banquet was successful and helped surpass many of our financial goals.

5. This year we welcomed Gloria Dei Church on board for partnership with DuCoin School. This is our 8th Mission-Haiti school!

6. The Mission-Haiti sponsorship program has grown above 2,500 students.

8. Baby Enoc was born to Lubin and Renande.

9. We implemented the Advocates for Elders program to help build relationships and support the elders at our SAM Home for the Elderly.

10. The construction for the elderly home began and we were able to add a new elder, Jean Baptiste!

11. We celebrated the first year of the clinic and in the first year, the staff treated over 4000 patients. 

12. We were able to surpass our financial goals with your support in raising support for our orphanage at the second annual MOVE for MH event.

13. We were so blessed to celebrate Christmas in all 8 of our schools, Awana program in Tapion and Jabouin.

14. The beloved Mission-Haiti Minute was instituted!

15. Mission-Haiti hosted a wedding celebration where 16 couples were able to tie the knot.

16. This year, the students were able to choose their own Christmas gifts and then had an awesome Christmas dinner in Les Cayes.

17. 6 new homes were built to bless 6 families!

18. The shipping container was able to make it into Haiti with no issues.

19. Dr. Fedna got married!!!

20. Covid-19 has had such a meager impact and we continue to see low numbers.


YOU have been the greatest blessing to us and encourage us daily to "Love Jesus, Love Others, and Make Disciples". ~The MH team