New School for Toussaint

It’s has been a long time coming but the students at Abiding Savior Free Lutheran Church’s Toussaint school finally have a new building to learn in!

New Homes for a New Year

One of the cool parts of ministry we have been able to partake in is building homes for families in need. Not only does a deserving family receive one of the most amazing gifts imaginable, but the process of building a home creates so many jobs for locals in need of work.

2023 at a Glance

As 2023 comes to a close, we look back at what God has enabled our ministry to accomplish with you.

Giving Tuesday Success!

The season to give thanks and reflect on all that the Lord is doing. This month we are especially grateful for all of you!

Wedding Season for MH

Mission-Haiti has been doing group weddings for more than 12 years and remains one of the most special ministries we’re a part of.

Distribution 2023

It is that sweet time of year celebrating the incredible students we have the opportunity to serve.